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News and features
This month a Chinese journalist published a news article regarding the Huobi exchange, where this popular crypto exchange platform announced…
Learn to trade
Trading cryptocurrency has become popular in recent years because of its high volatility and trading volume. There are two ways to trade with cryptocurrency, for which you have to decide if you want to own a cryptocurrency or just want to earn through speculation. For buying a cryptocurrency, you need an exchange, and for speculating the price of cryptos, you need a broker. In the next step, you will need to fund your account to buy cryptos or open a trade on its price.
The selection of the cryptocurrency platform plays a crucial role in determining your trading experience. There are a few things that you should check before selecting any broker. Make sure that the exchange that you are going to start trading on is secure and hacking proof. Another factor to keep in mind is the fees. There are various fees like exchange fees, trading fees, and Deposit and withdrawal fees that exchange levy.
To start trading, you should first do your own research – find out what is growing and which cryptocurrency is on the top currently. Cryptocurrencies are extremely volatile while this ensures huge profit; there is also a risk of big losses. It’s always sensible to keep such things in mind before investing.
Latest News
This month a Chinese journalist published a news article regarding the Huobi exchange, where this popular crypto exchange platform announced a change in leadership…
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